MinedHype.com – News

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Barn Build Event! Players that completed an event build will receive bonus claim blocks. We will be sending a discord message to all participants regarding prize selection in the order that you’ve placed. Pictures have been posted in our Builds page gallery!

Top 3 Winners:
1. Cybernetfreek & Teeny2015
2. l06n
3. (TIE) HuntingSlayer & (TIE) Daught3r0fsatan & Kiwisoupy

The Barn Build Event starts today, February 22nd, 2025 & will end Saturday, March 8, 2025 @ 11:59 PM PST! As always, the event is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks will be given to all participants that have a finished build — https://minedhype.com/events/

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.21.4 version!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Winter Build Event! Players that completed an event build will receive bonus claim blocks. We will be sending a discord message to all participants regarding prize selection in the order that you’ve placed. Pictures have been posted in our Builds page gallery!

Challenge Tier Winners:
1. RoriStar
2. -GypsyLeia & -coldburn_1

Top 3 Winners:
1. -Gizmochop4388 & -MrsGizmochop
3. KyloFluff

The Winter Build Event starts today, December 7, 2024 & will end Saturday, December 28, 2024 @ 11:59 PM PST! We have added a Challenge theme to this event as well as Challenge Tier prizes. Challenges are meant to be difficult, which is why prizes in this tier are limited. As always, the event is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks will be given to all participants that have a finished build. — https://minedhype.com/events/

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.21.3 version!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Haunted House Build Event! Everyone that completed a build will get bonus claim blocks. We will be sending a discord message to participants regarding prize selection in the order that you placed. Photos have been posted in our Builds page gallery!

Top 3 Winners:
1. KyloFluff
2. -Gizmochop4388 & -MrsGizmochop
3. HuntingSlayer & RoriStar

The Haunted House Build Event starts today, September 28, 2024 & will end Saturday, October 26, 2024 @ 11:59 PM PST! As always, the event is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks will be given to all participants that have a finished build — https://minedhype.com/events/

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.21.1 version!

The SMP server map website has returned and is currently working very hard on rendering! — https://map.minedhype.com/

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.21 version!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Chunk Build Event! Everyone that completed a build will get bonus claim blocks. We will be sending a discord message to participants regarding prize selection in the order that you placed. Photos will be posted in the next few days or so.

Top 3 Winners:
1. -Gizmochop4388
2. Huonman06
3. HuntingSlayer

The Chunk Build Event starts today, June 1, 2024 & will end Saturday, June 15, 2024 @ 11:59 PM PST! As always, the event is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks will be given to all participants that have a finished build — https://minedhype.com/events/

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.20.6 version!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Wood Build Event! Everyone that completed a build will get bonus claim blocks. We will be sending a discord message to participants regarding prize selection in the order that you placed. Photos will be posted in the next few days or so.

Top 3 Winners:
1. RoriStar
2. -Gizmochop4388 & -MrsGizmochop
3. -GypsyLeia & -Coldburn1

The Wood Build Event starts today, February 10, 2024 & will end Saturday, February 24, 2024 @ 11:59 PM PST! As always, the event is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks will be given to all participants that have a finished build. — https://minedhype.com/events/

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.20.4 version

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Winter Build Event! Everyone that completed a build will get bonus claim blocks. We will be sending a discord message to all participants regarding prize selection in the order that you placed. Photos will be posted in the next few days or so.

Top 3 Winners:
1. Gizmochop4388 & -MrsGizmochop
2. xRecklessAsianx
3. HuntingSlayer & Kiwisoupy

The Secret Santa Event and the Winter Build Event start today, December 1, 2023 & will end Wednesday, December 20, 2023 @ 11:59 PM PST! As always, the events are FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to participate! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up for the Winter Build Event! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks will be given to all participants that have a finished build. Please read the rules for both events before you participate! You do not have to participate in both events!❄️https://minedhype.com/events/

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.20.2 version! The End has also been reset and wiped beyond the end farm, as we’ve decided to keep The End island and farm, wiping everything else.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Island Build Event! Everyone that completed a build will get bonus claim blocks. We will be sending a discord message to all participants regarding prize selection in the order that you placed. Photos will be posted in the next few days or so.

Challenge Tier Winners:

Top 3 Winners:

Minecraft 1.20.2 has been released! There is no ETA for when our server will update to the latest version. We still have to wait for clients (Optifine, Fabric, etc.), PaperMC server engine, and many plugins to update and be tested for bugs/issues. So for now we will use a plugin that will allow 1.20.2 clients to connect to our 1.20.1 server.

We will reset The End world when we update the server to 1.20.2

The Island Build Event starts today, September 8, 2023 & will end Wednesday, October 4, 2023 @ 11:59 PM PST! We have added a Challenge theme to this event as well as Challenge Tier prizes. Challenges are meant to be difficult, which is why we will only choose up to 3 people to qualify for Challenge Tier prizes. As always, the event is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks will be given to all participants that have a finished build

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Library/Museum Build Event! All participants will receive a message on discord regarding prize information in order of placement! Photos will be posted on the Builds page of our website within the next few days.

Top 5 Winners:
1. -Gizmochop4388 & -MrsGizmoChop
2. -bmed06 & Ryken
3. Cybernetfreek & Milchick2003

4. HuntingSlayer
5. Rupard & Raquazadude468

Our Library/Museum Build Event starts today, June 18, 2023 & will end Saturday, July, 1, 2023 @ 11:59 PM PST! It is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks for all participants that finish! Discussion about the event and more information can be found in our discord #events channel

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.20.1 version

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.20 version – Trails & Tales

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Animal/Mob Habitat Event! All participants will receive a message on discord regarding prize information in order of placement! Photos will be posted on the Builds page of our website within the next few days.

Top 5 Winners:
1. -Gizmochop4388
2. -bmed06
3. HuntingSlayer

4. RoriStar & the_starwars_guy
5. Ahsoka_Tano_Girl

Our Animal/Mob Habitat Build Event starts today, April 10, 2023 & will end Sunday, April 23, 2023 @ 11:59 PM PST! It is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks for all participants that finish!

We have updated our SMP server to Minecraft 1.19.4 and also reset/wiped The End world

Minecraft 1.19.4 has been released! We are still waiting for server engine updates to be released & stable before we update our SMP server. In the meantime, we will still be using 1.19.3, but allowing both Minecraft 1.19.3 & 1.19.4 clients to connect. We have also updated our server to allow Bedrock 1.19.30 – 1.19.70 clients to connect!

MinedHype Trading Hall is now open to the public! This area was made for players to have access to villagers to get enchanted books, emeralds, items, etc. The coordinates are X:-2821 Y:75 Z:-1775. We have also built a dock behind the /tpshop area where you can fly or grab a boat to travel directly to the new trading hall! You can fly or hop in a boat and go straight until you get to the coordinates. The MinedHype Trading Hall is just past the MinedHype Neighborhood. Also, a BIG THANK YOU to -bmed06 and Rupard for designing and building the new trading hall. We really appreciate your hard work and this build is now part of MinedHype history!

MinedHype’s Fountain Build Event 2023 has ended! Thank you to everyone who entered, this was a very fun and tough event to judge with so many amazing builds! All participants will receive a message on discord regarding prize information in order of placement!

Top 3 Winners:
1. gingerkatt
2. -GypsyLeia & -bmed06
3. Swiftpwns

The Winter Town Build Event has ended and it looks amazing! Thank you to all participants, you will receive a message on discord regarding prize information in order of placement!

Top 3 Winners:
1. xRecklessAsianx
2. Swiftpwns
3. HuntingSlayer

MinedHype Winter Town Build Event 2022 photos can be found at our builds page

To showcase player builds in our SMP server, we have created a build gallery for everyone to view — https://minedhype.com/builds

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Java Minecraft 1.19.3 version!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Halloween/Autumn Build Event 2022! All participants will receive a message on discord regarding prize information in order of placement!

Top 3 Winners:
1. -bmed06 & -GypsyLeia
2. Cybernetfreek & Kernuba
3. (TIE)Darkened_Roses / (TIE)DexterMorgan_

MinedHype Halloween/Autumn Build Event 2022 photos can be found at our builds page

Our Halloween/Autumn Build Event starts today, October 16, 2022 & will end Monday, October 31, 2021 @ 11:59 PM PST! It is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks for all participants that try!

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Java Minecraft 1.19.2 version and our plugins to allow Bedrock 1.19.20 clients to connect!

MinedHype’s Space Build Event 2022 has ended! Thank you to everyone who entered, this was a very fun and tough event to judge with so many amazing builds! All participants will receive a message on discord regarding prize information in order of placement!

Top 5 Winners:
1. -Jiji216
2. DraconicDae
3. Erv123
4. TeaAndBrownies
5. Cybernetfreek

MinedHype Space Event 2022 photos can be found at our builds page

Bedrock cross-play via Geyser requires the latest version to be used, so we have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.19.1 Java version!

Our Space Build Event starts today, July 20, 2022 and will end on Friday, August 5, 2022 at 11:59pm PST. This event is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks will be given to all participants that finish! If you have any questions about the event, ask us in #events channel on discord!

MinedHype’s Aquarium Event 2022 has ended! A big thank you to everyone who entered, this was a very tough event to judge with so many amazing builds! All participants will receive a message on discord regarding prize information in order of placement!

Top 3 Winners:
1. Cybernetfreek & Kernuba
2. aFriendlyPig & erv123
3. Cherise

MinedHype Aquarium Event 2022 photos can be found at our builds page

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.19 version! Please report any bugs, problems, or issues if you have any in our #help-and-support channel on discord. Thank you for patiently waiting for this update!

Due to the recent release of Minecraft 1.19, we have decided to extend our Aquarium Event to Wednesday, June 15, 2022 @ 11:59 PM PST

Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update has been released! There is no ETA for how long it will take to update our SMP server, check our discord for status updates!

We now have an online report system and have added it to our website! Use our online report system to submit detailed information regarding the issues, players, or problems you are experiencing within MinedHype. For more general support, we can help you in our discord server #help-and-support channel.

Our Aquarium Build Event starts today, May 28, 2022 & will end on Saturday, June 11, 2022 @ 11:59 PM PST! It is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus blocks for all participants! If you have any questions about the event, ask us in events! https://minedhype.com/events/

To make processing FREE bonus memberships easier, we have included a new required field for the application: Coordinates of bases/homes built only by you

Things that do not count and will not be included in the consideration of bonus membership:
– Farms
– Shared builds or claims
– Builds not made by you

The End world in our SMP server has been reset & wiped!

The End world in our SMP server will be reset & wiped on May 1st, 2022. If you have a home set in The End, be sure to delete it and set a safer home, such as an end portal or on the obsidian platform at The End island spawn. We will restore inventory 1 time only for players who die by falling into the void around the current public end farm after it has been reset, just tell us in our discord server using #help-and-support channel.

https://map.minedhype.com — We have a new online web server map! It has taken many days to render and has been a long journey to bring an online map back for our SMP server, but it is now up and ready for everyone to see! We had to build a custom dedicated server machine just to render, process, transfer, and host our very large map, so a big shout out and thank you to all of the donators for helping and making this possible!

Only 1.18.x chunks will render and show on the map, any chunks that have not been generated or updated will not show! If you want an area to update on the online map, you must travel and load the chunk within the server. The new map will render our SMP server world using a circular 100,000 block radius from spawn, which is the location of /tpshop. Since we barely started using our new map render engine Mapcrafter, the map will update a few times per week until everything is more stable and settled. Claims and online players will no longer show, it is not supported by Mapcrafter and we prefer it hidden for player privacy.

We have updated our SMP server to the latest Minecraft 1.18.2 Java version!

MinedHype’s Boat/Ship Event 2022 has ended, a big thank you to all of the participants for making this event tough to judge and very close in scores because of how amazing each build is! Pictures cannot capture how epic and detailed the builds are, but we have tried our best.

Top 3 Winners:
1. Cybernetfreek
3. BohrBohrygmos & Erv123

MinedHype Boat/Ship Event 2022 photos can be found at our builds page

Boat/Ship Building Event starts today, February 4, 2022 & will end on Friday, February 25, 2022 @ 11:59 PM PST! It is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus blocks for all participants!

Live Map has been disabled due to issues and we are currently exploring alternatives with no eta

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Winter Village Event!

Top 3 Winners:
2. Erv123
3. HuntingSlayer

MinedHype Winter Village Event 2021 photos can be found at our builds page

We have updated our Minecraft SMP server to the latest version 1.18.1 today! Clients using 1.18 can still connect to 1.18.1 servers, this was a small update that did not change much except fix a few bugs.

In regards to the recent exploit found in Minecraft regarding Log4j, our servers have been protected for a few months now since we are using Java 17, which isn’t effected. However, we have just updated our servers so we are also patched up!

A critical security issue has been found that affects Minecraft. If you have the game running, please shut down all running instances of the game and Launcher and restart – your Launcher will automatically download the fix.

Our solo winter build event starts today, December 5, 2021 & will end on Saturday, December 25, 2021 @ 11:59 PM PST! It is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus blocks for all participants!

Our Minecraft SMP server is now updated to 1.18! We have a backup copy of the server on 1.17.1 just incase something crazy happens and we need to revert. The server will restart at anytime if we need to update the server engine, plugins, or fix any issues. If you experience any issues, please report it to #help-and-support channel in our discord server.

Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs Part 2 has been released! There is no ETA for how long it will take to update our smp server, check our discord for status updates!

The End world in our SMP server has been reset & wiped! We will not restore any inventories from /home deaths! Please delete your old homes in The End and set new homes!

Bonus Builder Membership now available for players that have built major projects in our Minecraft SMP server!

Bonus Builder Member Perks
+ All of Bonus Member Perks
+ Discord role as Bonus Builder Member
+ Bonus claim blocks as needed up to 250,000
+ Up to 20 /homes as needed
+ Bonus Builder tag in-game
+ Claims & membership expire after 90 days

The End world for MinedHype SMP server will be reset & wiped on Thursday, November 11, 2021 @ 11:59 PM PST

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Halloween Event! All builds were great to check out and judge, making it very difficult to pick winners!

Top 3 Winners:
1. Erv123 & DwarfTolgar
2. -Taemie
3. Cybernetfreek

MinedHype Halloween Event 2021 photos can be found at our builds page

Is it time for MinedHype to reset The End world? Vote now and submit your answer anonymously through Google! We will let this vote run for a few days and then reveal the results! Click here to vote now! or go to https://forms.gle/BvAne4uGFLtpaitQ7

We have upgraded our network for MinedHype SMP server for extra protection! Pings should be better and this will help a lot with latency.

Safety checks when using /home is now disabled. All homes will not be checked for safety and /home commands will be used at your own risk, so be careful! We will not restore any player inventories that are caused by /home deaths!

Our Halloween Build Event starts today, October 7, 2021 & will end Sunday, October 31, 2021 @ 11:59 PM PST! It is FREE to enter & open to anyone who wants to compete! Visit our Events page for more information & to sign up! Prizes are FREE & bonus claim blocks for all participants that try!

MinedHype 1.17 Build Event has ended! Thank you to all participants and please check discord as you will receive a message regarding prize information in order of placement!

Top 3 Winners:
1. BohrBohrygmos
3. (TIE) TRubyR/angeloflight369 & aFriendlyPig

MinedHype 1.17 Build Event photos can be found at our builds page

Archived News