- Server IP: play.minedhype.com
- No Pay-2-Win! 100% FREE! Donations optional with no gameplay advantages!
- Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST)
- High Performance Dedicated Server
- Server is hosted by PUBCS.com
Commonly Used Links:
MinedHype Shop Request: https://minedhype.com/shops/
MinedHype Unban or Unmute Request: https://minedhype.com/unban/
MinedHype Report Submission: https://minedhype.com/report/
MinedHype Player Stats: https://stats.minedhype.com/
MinedHype Build Gallery: https://minedhype.com/builds/
MinedHype SMP Map: https://map.minedhype.com
MinedHype Events: https://minedhype.com/events/
We have enabled Cross-Play in our Minecraft server! You can use any of the following to connect to MinedHype servers: Java PC, Android, Windows 10, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows 10 Mobile, Fire OS, Xbox One, & Nintendo Switch! Players connecting using Bedrock Edition will have a – before their player name. Connect to the servers ip using default ports! Default Java Edition Port: 25565; Default Bedrock Edition Port: 19132
Minecraft 1.21.4 Java 16GB RAM Survival MultiplayerBedrock & Java Connect IP: play.minedhype.com

SMP Server Rules:
- No cheating/hacking/exploiting/x-ray/bots/dupes/spamming/harassing/advertisements
- Do not post/share any IP Addresses. The only acceptable IP that can be posted/shared is the MinedHype server IP
- No offensive or inappropriate builds
- Do not lag the server with large machines, farms, etc.
- Do not evade bans with alt accounts
- Admins will not help you build or fix farms, give you free items, repair your tools/armor, teleport you anywhere, teach you how to play the game, or restore items from a death
- Admins will not help you with expired claims due to not logging in the server within 40 days
- You must ask for permission to build or claim next to players & their existing claims
- Do not build or claim next to administrator claims
- PvP only allowed if players involved agree & have PvP enabled by typing command /pvp on which is disabled and off by default
- Do not intentionally kill players. No tricks, pranks, revenge deaths, or jokes that result in player damage or death
- AFK or idle is allowed, no time limit. Stay as long as you’d like!
- Do not AFK at public areas such as the Shopping District, Trading Hall, or The End Farm
- Streaming, recording, videos, & pictures allowed while playing in our server
- Be positive, friendly, & respectful! No trolling
- Do not be toxic, rude, or inappropriate; this applies to builds, signs, and behavior
- Listen & follow anything admins tell you
- English only language speaking server
- Grief is only allowed if the AREA IS NOT CLAIMED!
- Do not spawn any withers maliciously or around claims that are not yours
- Do not spam chat or repeatedly send the same messages
- No large lava or lava casts within 50,000 blocks of center spawn point in the Overworld above sea level
- Report any issues on our discord server
- Have fun!
SMP Server Info: (play.minedhype.com)
- Mostly Vanilla Survival Multiplayer
- World started as new random seed on 1.14 release
- Bedrock & Java Cross-Play
- Nether was reset on 1.16 release
- Overworld & Nether will never be reset or wiped!
- Claims expire after 40 days of inactivity
- The End is the only world that will be reset every so often for loot
- Set 3 /homes using /sethome & teleport to your home anytime using /home
- How to claim land & protect your stuff with Grief Prevention YouTube video
- Grief Prevention plugin using stick, chest, & golden shovel for /claim — Player Command List
- Use /trustlist to list all players with permissions in the claim you are standing in
- Teleport to random safe locations up to 50k blocks from spawn point using /rtp
- Type /tpshop to teleport to MinedHype’s Shopping District area!
- MinedHype Public Trading Hall located at coordinates X:-2821 Y:75 Z:-1775
- PvP is off & disabled by default! Use /pvp on or off to toggle pvp & no pvp in claimed areas!
- If you enable PvP (Player vs Player) by typing /pvp on, then you should expect PvP
- Player items are protected upon death, you must type /unlockdrops to allow players to pick up your items
- Wither can only be spawned in The End or Nether
- Items & loot that are not in claimed areas are open to anyone
- Fire spread is disabled
- Spawn in a random radius from spawn point 0 to 20000 blocks
- Teleport request to a player using /tpa, then they can /tpaccept or /tpdeny
- Enable or disable teleport requests with /tpatoggle
- Claimed areas are protected 64 blocks below ground level & up to build height
- The server will message you death coordinates immediately if you die
- 40 hoppers, 35 pistons, 35 sticky pistons, and 35 observers limit per chunk
- 1000 initial claim blocks, 250 accrued per hour, & 100,000 max blocks
- Player Shops — /tpshop
- DiscordSRV live events/achievements/chat in #smp-server
- Player Head Drops datapack
- Sleeping in a bed sets your respawn point
- Night-time will be skipped if 25% of players are sleeping
- No set world border, explore as far as you want
Last updated 8/16/2024